Friday, August 23, 2013

"Security Clothes"

 We all have those select few outfits that you wear over and over again! Your go to pieces! Well for me I called mine security clothes because if I had something special to do or go I usually wore the same thing over and over again.  At first you don't really become aware of the fact how insecure you have become about yourself, until you realize ok every time I go somewhere I reach for the same outfit! Then you just go with it because you already know its going to fit and so you don't really leave yourself time to pick out anything else. We don't even realize a lot if times how clothes can affect our mood or life until its really changed who we once were. 
 Ok say your in a friends wedding where you have a dressed picked out for you and maybe designated hair and make up looks. When its all said and done you feel pretty maybe not as pretty as the bride, but a little confidence has snuck in and you feel good about yourself! I use to feel pretty or diva-ish until I started sporting my go to security clothes. So what changed for me was I then became depressed about the way I looked because I was such a slave to not only my clothes but my body that I thought I was stuck in that I really didn't like. Finally I couldn't take it anymore so one day after seeing a picture of myself in one of my "security uniforms" I decided to get a garbage bag and toss my burdens one by one forcing myself to see me differently. This made me free to let go and change for the better. I started working out a couple days a week and eating better and it's still a process but my body definitely has changed I'm no size 4 but within a month I was already down one size.
 Sometimes you have to step out on faith with things in your life to make changes happen. It's crazy how for me what others would probably see as so insignificant as clothes and weight issues, it was a heavy burden that was affecting me as a mom, wife, friend and just my everyday life. I wasn't happy with me so I always had an attitude and was always irritable with my kids and husband. I didn't want to go anywhere because I didn't have anything to wear and what was the point of buying anything new because I didn't like the way my body looked. 
I thank you God for loving me for who I am, who I was and for who I become no matter what! I can finally say that I love me unconditionally and feel secure in myself and not the clothes! 
1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.  I definitely felt tormented by my issues. It's time to start being the change your looking for in life. I always loved the saying a cluttered house makes a cluttered life. How good does it feel when you clean your house or even your car. When you can't find something that your looking for because of laundry and messes here and there you become frustrated and irritable and such is life when your looking for happiness that you think is hard to find or achieve. 

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  2. This is AWESOME!!! It is/was exactly what I needed to hear and read! I am sure I will ready it a dozen times!! Thank you!!

    1. Julie your so welcome and thank you!!! We have to always keep each other lifted up by our testimonies!!!

  3. This is great - oh so true for women in general, Heather. I think many can identify with what is said here.

    1. I really enjoyed reading this Heather thank you for your words of inspiration and encouragement. I think you have found your calling :)

  4. I LOVE this entry Heather! I appreciate your wisdom, love your style, and most importantly love that you are a true friend and woman of faith! Can't wait to read your next entry!


    1. Tamara thank you so much for your kind words and I really appreciate you and our friendship you're the best!!!
